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Caregiving Resources

For Medica Members

Caring for loved ones in need of your help is an honorable act. However, taking care of a seriously ill family member can be emotionally and physically exhausting. Caregivers can experience stress from the responsibility of being constantly on call and performing duties such as shopping, cooking, house cleaning, paying bills and even helping with personal hygiene for someone they love.

We want to support you. Here are some resources that can help you manage your caregiving responsibilities.

Online Resources


  • ECHO partners with local agencies, organizations, and institutions to deliver vital health, safety, emergency and civic engagement information for immigrants.

  • Eldercare Partners helps you find the tools you need to organize and cope with the needs of aging — for others or yourself. (Note: there is a fee involved.)

  • FamilyMeans is a place for families, children or individuals to find options during a difficult and stressful time in their lives.

  • Minnesota Board on Aging is a gateway to services for Minnesota seniors and their families.

  • Twin Cities Senior Housing Guide offers resources and services that can help you remain in your home or research alternate housing options.

  • Volunteers of America Minnesota provides resource information on services for older adults.



  • AssistGuide Information Services (AGIS) helps you learn what to expect, how to get started and where to turn for help. It provides helpful checklists about your loved one’s mental and physical health and Includes access to caregiver information regarding long-term care planning and education. AGIS can help you find local facilities and services, and online caregiver communities.

  • Caregiver Action Network works to improve the quality of life for the more than 65 million Americans who care for loved ones with chronic conditions, disabilities, disease and old age by providing education, peer support and resources.

  • offers a monthly caregiver newsletter full of information about coping with the changes that caregivers experience . This site runs a program called, The School of You, that offers six different classes that focus on your emotional stress. It also offers weekly tips and a support center that includes firsthand caregiver stories.

  • is an online information and support destination for people caring for aging parents, spouses and other loved ones. It's dedicated to helping you make better decisions, save time and money and feel less alone — and less stressed — as you face caregiving challenges.

  • CaringBridge offers protected websites that help friends, families and loved ones connect when experiencing a significant health challenge.

  • Family Caregiver Alliance includes access to information about online support and discussion groups, caregiver education, and programs at national, state and local levels that support and sustain caregivers. This website also includes reviews and ratings of over 1,000 books, videos, websites, and training materials on caregiving. 

  • Well Spouse Foundation helps find support for husbands, wives and partners of the chronically ill and/or disabled. It offers a bimonthly newsletter, mutual aid support groups in many areas, letter-writing support groups, an annual conference, and other regional and weekend meetings around the country.


Last Updated: December 2019


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