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Medical Policy Upcoming Updates

Notification Date: May 18, 2022

Below are the policies that are new or have been reviewed, along with the determination and summary of any changes.

Coverage Policies

Policy Title
Effective Date
 Summary of Changes
 Genetic Testing for Alzheimer Disease  Re-Review 05/18/2022

Enhanced Benefit 
 Covered for some indications; investigative and therefore not covered for all other indications.

Genetic testing for Alzheimer disease (AD) is COVERED for testing for early onset AD in individuals 18 years of age or older who present with one of the following:

  1. Individual is asymptomatic and has a first or second-degree relative with a known early-onset Alzheimer disease-causing mutation (i.e., PSEN1, PSEN2, or APP gene mutation).
  2. Individual is symptomatic and has been diagnosed with dementia at or below 65 years of age and has either (a) a first or second-degree relative diagnosed with early onset dementia (i.e., PSEN1, PSEN2, or APP gene mutation), or (b) an unknown family history (e.g., adoption).

Genetic testing for AD remains investigative and therefore NOT COVERED for:

  1. Testing other genetic markers and for all other indications for early onset Alzheimer disease, and
  2. Testing for late onset Alzheimer disease (e.g., APOE gene mutations).
Date: 6/30/2024 12:22:43 PM Version: 4.0.30319.42000 Machine Name: PWIVE-CDWEB01