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Medica Administrative Manual > Health Management and Quality Improvement > Clinic Site Survey

Clinic Site Survey

The Clinic Site Survey program supports Medica's commitment to safe, consistent, high-quality health care for our members. Reviewers from the Quality Improvement department assess quality, safety and accessibility at care delivery sites.

Practitioner Office Site-Related Quality Complaint Survey

Medica staff may conduct an in-person site survey in response to a member complaint about a clinic's site quality. The reviewer assesses the clinic's:

  • Environment (physical appearance, accessibility, signage)
  • Policies (governing emergency procedures, medical record confidentiality, member complaints)
  • Medical records (organization, storage, security)
  • Access (routine and emergency appointment availability)
  • Medication safety (storage, security, controlled substance management)

Practitioner Office Site-Related Complaint Survey Tool

Service Quality Review

Medica conducts a Service Quality Review in conjunction with annual medical record reviews. These evaluations include assessment of clinic policies; access (routine/urgent/emergency appointment availability); and medication safety (storage, security, controlled substance management).

Service Quality Evaluation Tool For Clinic/Clinic System

The Review Process

Reviewers use standardized assessment tools to perform and score site surveys. Reports are sent to the clinic contact which include results based on the questions reviewed.  Educational material and improvement opportunities are also included in the feedback given to the sites.

Next Steps

Any site that does not meet performance thresholds will need to implement a corrective action plan. A reviewer will return to the site during the next annual review cycle to check progress and re-evaluate performance. This regular monitoring continues until the site meets performance thresholds.

For more information regarding clinic site surveys, call Medica’s Provider Service Center at 1 (800) 458-5512.

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