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Park Nicollet First with MedicaSM

Virtual Care

Virtual care visits, also known as online care or e-visits, are a quick and easy way to get care for common conditions including:

– Allergies
– Bladder infections
– Sinus infections
– Pink eye
– and many other conditions

Connect with a provider using your computer or mobile device to get a diagnosis and treatment—even a prescription if you need one.

You can access virtual care through the options below. 



Virtuwell is a 24/7 online clinic available in select states. Have an online visit with a certified nurse practitioner. Create an account at virtuwell and take a quick online interview that checks your medical history. A nurse practitioner will review your case, write a personalized treatment plan and prescribe medication (if needed).

Visit virtuwell to start your visit



Amwell is a 24/7 online clinic available in all states. Have a virtual care visit with a board-certified doctor using the web or mobile app for common medical conditions. Sign up for Amwell, select a doctor and start your visit. The doctor will review your history, answer questions, diagnose, treat and prescribe medication (if needed).

Behavioral Health

With Amwell, you can also access therapy or psychiatry services for behavioral health concerns such as anxiety, depression and stress (covered under your plan as a behavioral health office visit). Amwell offers other online services, but is not an in-network provider for those services with your plan. You can use the additional services, but you will pay the full cost of the service.

Visit Amwell to start your visit

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